ecogal The Curious Consumer web series – test episode

ecogal The Curious Consumer - webseries 1

After many months in development for ecogal, a producer friend in town gave me an exercise – He told me to go out, put ecogal on it’s feet and use it as a discovery process to find the voice, the feel, the look of ecogal. The location I chose is the farm where it began,…

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What is ecogal? animation

What is ecogal - Dycee Wildman video

Animation created by Dycee Wildman, our video guru. She chose to create this animation inspired by the comic book art because if everything goes according to plan ecogal will be a kind of superhero spreading knowledge in support of protecting people’s health and the health of our planet.

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Rethinking Clean ~ 5 Reasons to Detox Your Household Cleaners

True Goods - Cleaning products

ByTrue Goods This post is courtesy of our friends at, where it’s easy to make truly toxin-free choices for healthier, safer, cleaner living.” True or False? Cleaning products are totally safe for human consumption? The answer is false, of course. This one’s a no brainer. If we handed you a cup of disinfectant or…

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Nature. Beauty. Gratitude. A Ted Talk by Louie Schwartzberg

Louie Schwartzberg - Nature. Beauty. Gratitude. Ted Talk

Nature’s beauty can be easily missed — but not through Louie Schwartzberg’s lens. His stunning time-lapse photography, accompanied by powerful words from Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl-Rast, serves as a meditation on being grateful for every day. (Filmed at TEDxSF.) Check Ted Talks for more videos

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