Top Tips to Detox Your Home
By Ashleigh Prince
out&about is my personal journey of discovery asking questions and getting more informed. I want to share my findings with you so we can travel the journey together.
By True Goods
This post is courtesy of our friends at, where it’s easy to make truly toxin-free choices for healthier, safer, cleaner living.”
“Detox Your Home” by Liz Wasserman, True Goods Founder/CEO, is being featured in Green Child Magazine’s Winter 2014 Issue.
To read the full article as PDF, click here.
“Shopping allows you to be an advocate. It’s the perfect vehicle for creating change, for doing good in the world.” ~ Liz
For a taste of what you’ll discover, here’s a quick and handy excerpt:
Top 5 Items to Change on a Budget
- Switch from antiperspirant to deodorant, and make sure it’s non-toxic.
Pick one shampoo/body wash for the whole family. Using one good product saves money. - Choose a safe body lotion because it stays on your skin.
- Get an all-in-one household cleaner. Reduce your quantity of products and spend your money on one good one.
- Pet shampoo. Wash pets in something safe and don’t use human shampoo.
5 No-Cost Options to Help Detoxify Your Home
- Ditch the plastic. Plastics leach, especially when heated. Drink out of glass cups and heat food on non-plastic plates.
- Open the windows for five to 10 minutes each day. Indoor pollution is more toxic because of chemicals used to manufacture furniture and dry-clean clothes, among others.
- Take your shoes off at the door to avoid tracking in pesticides, heavy metals and germs.
- Prepare your own meals. Less packaging equals less processing and preservatives. Whole ingredients mean less fake stuff.
- Purchase used when possible (cars, clothes, toys). Harmful chemicals have been washed out and off-gassing of manufacturing chemicals such as formaldehyde may be finished.

Elizabeth Wasserman, Founder & CEO of True Goods
As Founder & CEO of True Goods, an online shop for truly toxin-free personal care and household goods, Liz believes we all have the right to know what’s in the products we bring into our homes. Fueled by a passion for preventive health, a commitment to clean living, and a strong belief in social responsibility, she started True Goods with a mission to help customers harness their purchasing power to create healthier lives and a more sustainable environment.